O2 TOOB – Craft


The BioTherm TOOB™ is a revolutionary, efficient method of increasing the dissolved oxygen (DO) content of irrigation water, significantly improving plant health and productivity. In stock and ready to ship!

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2′ machine targeted for smaller-grows with less volume of water flow (around 8GPM).

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Fully Integrated Climate
Systems for Indoor Environments

With over 44 years of unparalleled experience, BioTherm has been at the forefront of revolutionizing greenhouse climate technologies. Our mission is to empower growers to craft their own ideal weather, fostering the perfect ecosystem for plants to not only grow but thrive.

Let’s Grow Together

With over 44 years of unparalleled experience, BioTherm has been at the forefront of revolutionizing greenhouse climate technology. Our mission is to empower growers to craft their own ideal weather, fostering the perfect ecosystem for plants to thrive.