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Under-bench Heating

Under-bench heating systems deliver a mix of both radiant and convection heat from below which is either absorbed by the greenhouse benches or rises through the bench and crops. This combination of radiant and convection heat creates a more uniform grow environment both in the potting medium and throughout the canopy.  

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Under-bench Heating for Rootzone and Canopy Heating 

A study published in California Agriculture by professors Bryan M Jenkins, Roy M Sachs and Glen W Forister showed that conductive under-bench heating systems used 25% less energy than conventional perimeter heating systems. This same bench heating system maintained even canopy temperatures around the plants and resulted in fewer hot and cold pockets. This system produced consistent output in and around the plants where they needed it most with less input.

Under-bench heating systems are ideal for providing consistent heat across the width of your greenhouse benches. The mix of radiant and convection heat evenly heats both the bench itself and the air surrounding the bench. As a result, your rootzone get a boost in temperature which improves water and nutrient absorption. Plus, the canopy stays protected from temperature fluctuations as well. 

Products for Under-bench Heating

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